Thursday, June 18, 2009

The walls are all painted at last! There was a power outage resulting from the thunderstorm that roared through yesterday. In fact the power is still out but the generator is running right now. The dragon work is moving along okay. The face is taking shape and there are a variety of features beginning to present themselves as I lay down graphite. I am satisfied with the direction this is going. I see an unfortunate resemblence to a goat happening that I want to veer away from. There is a long way to pressure...except from within. The lushness of the growth and greenery about the place at this time of year tends to pull me away from the dragon project quite easily. The wild roses are in full bloom, the wild daisies are budding and the many flower seeds that I have strewn about are making a good strong start. And, oh my oh my, the veggies in the hothouse are growing at an amazing rate. I love it. The dogs have taken to darting about and leaping in an attempt to catch the dozens of swallowtail butterflies that are dancing about the fields. They are such fun to watch. Freedom is tireless in his pursuit but Zak gives in a rest from time to time and just watches the game unfold.

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