Friday, June 26, 2009

This day had a good start. I spent a couple of hours with a pleasant little Malti-poo named Benny. He was to tiny...probably about 5 pounds...and sooo cooperative. Just an all round joy to work with. Now to the dragon...I have progressed down the neck and nape as well. It is slow going as it is such a large area to cover and uncharted territory. As usual I have a good idea of what I want to see happen but I am just letting it unfold as I go. This is not a disciplined approach to drawing but I am weary of the disciplined process and want to fly by the seat of my pants. Freedom of expression...even if my approach has in the past been condemned as 'scrapable' by a more strictly disciplined artist due to its lack of total preparation...blah, blah,blah. This way is more fun and feels freely creative to me.

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