Sunday, July 12, 2009

I have completed the Dragon in Moonlight, frame #1. I see him as at half-halt in full contemplation of his next move...fight or flight or perhaps in casual observation of his domain. He is afterall not a violent fellow...just hungry most of the time. This stance will come into perspective as I continue into the next series of frames. I should be able to photograph the entire series in full from my loft while they are laid out on the kitchen floor. But first I shall have to create essence I must grow him a body. It may take quite some time. There are so many other things to do at this time of year. Kayaking the creek this morning made me quite giddy with the size of life. Towering trees, vast expanses of land, looming mountains, lakes that seem to stretch out forever...and that was just in eye view at that moment. We are so small to reek such great havoc on the planet. Shame on us!


  1. yes, amen to that. I love rowing the lakes around here, it is so beautiful and serene,awe, at the greatness of it all.I just love being one with outdoors.this project is coming along simply beautifully
