Thursday, January 7, 2010

We went on a 2 km snowshoe hike that turned into 6 km due to the access road being blocked by tooo much snow. After we dug the truck out of the ditch that it slid into and backed it down to a place to park it safely we were off to enjoy snowshoeing to Greenlee Lake. It was a photo opportunity for sure! The temperature was around -1C...a real plus as the camera really doesn't like any thing lower than -10C. My assignment had to do with composition and this trail had so much to offer. The day was overcast and the forest quite dense so capturing the look and feel of the day was challenging. Also a challenge...every time I stopped to take a photo I had to jog to catch up...all uphill on the way to the lake....much easier on the way back. These few photos are my favorites of oh so many that I took.

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