Saturday, January 30, 2010

The sole says it all for this exercise. This was kind of fun. I was actually according to the book take pictures of people's soles for example people standing around with feet in different positions. I don't get around too many people so I turned to our own soles. Hmmm looks like I selected the same shot twice to upload...oh well. So it goes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I have two new exercises that I have and signs. There is no shortage of either of these two subjects all around. These are my favorite shots. The rocks I chose to do in black and white so I could work out the contrast issue. The signs look better with color. I still have an exercise to do in town 'at night' but we never seem to go in at night so that one is pending. I am not sure if I am getting anywhere with this but the book that I have: "Photography the art of composition" is full of seemingly endless excercises to hone ones skills. I am enjoying the effort anyway!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yesterday was another ice fishing day. Two great at dawn as we set up and one upon emerging from the tent with 7 fish to a gloriously beautiful day. AAAH!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well I have reached the end of the course and now am expected to submit 6 photos: a landscape, city at night, a portrait, a fast action shot, an abstract, and anything converted to BW. I roamed around the area near the creek yesterday putting together an assortment of landscape shots. We've had a week of unseasonably warm weather and all the beautiful snow is gone. AND... Alas, I had the white balance set "WRONG" for most of them. Today I spent hours going through them and correcting the white balance using Pentax's utility program. It was very tedious but it did give me the chance to decide on what to delete for lack of good composition. I did not end up with very many keepable shots. These ones are my favorites of the keepers.

None are good enough to be sent in for grading. There is always tomorrow and the next day and the next day and...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My latest assignment in the photography course was black and white shots. Seeing as the snow around here accomodates the theme well I had a great time! I noticed that it seemed easier to spot good compositions in the black and white photos without the distraction of color. Interesting.

The first photo expedition involved a day of ice fishing. We got up at 4:30 am and headed off to Snag Lake...awesome scenery...awesome fishing...freaking cold...endless photo opps.

The next day I snowshoed along our creek to see what there might be to photograph. What wonderful luck...three very curious deer stood around to gawk at me as I crashed noisely through the underbrush...many many photos were gotten of them. The scenery along the creek was delightful and when the sun occasionally popped through the clouds the effects were beautiful.

My next assignment is sunset photos....oh my...first the sun must actually shine!!! Last year we had gloriously sunny days 3 or 4 days of every week throughout the winter. Not so this year.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We went on a 2 km snowshoe hike that turned into 6 km due to the access road being blocked by tooo much snow. After we dug the truck out of the ditch that it slid into and backed it down to a place to park it safely we were off to enjoy snowshoeing to Greenlee Lake. It was a photo opportunity for sure! The temperature was around -1C...a real plus as the camera really doesn't like any thing lower than -10C. My assignment had to do with composition and this trail had so much to offer. The day was overcast and the forest quite dense so capturing the look and feel of the day was challenging. Also a challenge...every time I stopped to take a photo I had to jog to catch up...all uphill on the way to the lake....much easier on the way back. These few photos are my favorites of oh so many that I took.